Being Mum

Time to find balance and talk about our Chakras

Amanda Forsey Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode the focus is on understanding and balancing the chakras as a means of enhancing overall well-being, especially for mums facing unique challenges in their lives. Amanda discusses the significance of chakras, which are energetic centers within the body responsible for physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

She explains that there are seven major chakras aligned along the central energy channel, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. When these chakras are balanced, individuals experience vitality, clarity, and inner peace. However, imbalances or blockages in these energy centers can lead to various challenges, such as anxiety, financial worries, and feeling disconnected from one's body.

Amanda offers practical solutions to address these imbalances:

1. **Root Chakra Balancing**: Amanda recommends grounding meditations where individuals visualize roots extending into the earth to connect with stability and support.

2. **Sacral Chakra Balancing**: Engaging in creative activities like drawing, painting, or dancing is suggested to facilitate the flow of creativity and energy.

3. **Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing**: Building confidence is essential, and Amanda advises using positive affirmations to affirm personal power and strength.

Amanda also announces a forthcoming FREE 7-day chakra challenge that listeners can sign up for. The challenge will include daily emails with audio recordings of meditations, breathing exercises, and tasks to help balance each chakra.

Towards the end of the episode, Amanda emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and self-discovery, especially during busy times like the lead-up to Christmas. She invites listeners to join her Facebook group, the "Being Mum Tribe," for more information and discussions on chakras and self-improvement.

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Hello. Welcome to this week's episode.

This week, I am going to be talking about chakras, which is if you've not heard of them before, a chakra, it's a Sanskrit word and it just basically means wheel. Chakras are energetic centers within our body. They are very crucial in terms of our overall well-being. If you think of them as spinning wheels or little energy centers that are responsible for specific aspects of our physical, our emotional, and our spiritual health. If you visualize it, you think of them lined up along our spine, and then there'll be 1 above your head and 1 below as well. So It's it's really our connection. It connects us to our aura, and it connects up it's between our spiritual connection, and our intuition and things like that. That is our physical body as well.

So our emotions are hugely affected by this, our physical energy and, yeah, obviously, our spiritual health as well because this is is our energy and our aura essentially we're connecting melting with. So your body has 7 major chakras. Okay? They're a lot all located along the central energy channel from the base of your mind to the top of your head. And these chakras govern everything from your sense of safety and security, your ability to express yourself and tap into your intuition. When your chakras are all in balance, you feel a sense of vitality and Clarity and inner peace. And when they're blocked or out of balance, then you can encounter various challenges. Okay? As moms, we juggle so much. Okay? We're raising kids.

We're trying to keep on top of the house. We're a lot of us are balancing work Well. And while this journey of motherhood is incredible and it has a lot of joyful moments, it also brings a unique set of challenges. So if you felt overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected from your own body, maybe you have financial worries and these have weighed you down, these are some of the symptoms that can arise when our chakras are blocked, or out of balance. So for example, if you're experiencing anxiety, it can be related to a blockage in your root chakra because that governs your sense of security and stability. Financial worries can often tie back into an imbalance in your root chakra as well because it affects our material and financial well-being and that is connected to security as well because we need that financial security to help us feel safe. Feeling disconnected from your body, that can be a sign of a blocked root chakra or even a sacral chakra because that influences our sense of self and our creativity. Obviously, being a mom, we've been on this incredible journey.

So pregnancy, childbirth, and all of those early stages of motherhood are a whirlwind of emotions and the that are going on in our bodies as well. They're incredible experiences, but they really massively can impact our chakras. So during pregnancy, your body undergoes, obviously, a massive physical change. That affects your root chakra because that's your connection to your earth and to your own body, and It's your sense of identity. Your emotional intensity of childbirth, okay, that disrupts the flow of your sacral chakra. Okay? And that can affect your creativity and your emotional balance. And then the responsibilities of caring for a newborn baby can totally challenge your solar plexus macro, because that's your center of personal power and confidence. And when we're tackling this newborn phase, it knocks our confidence and it it makes us feel completely out of control and that we have no power.

So I wanna dive into some solutions just to give you a little bit of, an idea of how we can work with the chakras and what we can do because we can do something. We don't just have to accept this. Things that you can do, some simple techniques that you can start or implementing straight away. So to help balance the root chakra, you can do grinding meditations. Okay? You just find a quiet spot somewhere. You can sit Comfortably, and you just visualize and picture roots extending from your body deep into the earth. Okay? So you're there, Mom. Sitting calmly.

You're nice and quiet. And just visualize those roots coming out from yourself down into the earth, And you're gonna connect to the energy and the stability and the support of that earth energy, and you're calling it into you. Okay? You're gonna take some of that calmness and and some of that grounding energy, and you're going to take that with you to help you stay grounded and calm. With the sacral chakra, it's about creative expression. So what you can do is engage in a creative activity that you love. It can be anything that you are drawn to. So drawing, painting, dancing, that allows your creativity to flow as well because you're creating movement and you're Feeling that movement in your body, and it's a wonderful way to, move energy in and around and get that, blocked energy moving in your, sacral chakra. Then with the solar plexus chakra, it's about regaining some at confidence that we may have lost that may be out of balance.

So positive affirmations, you can stand in front of a mirror and repeat affirmations like I am confident, I embrace my personal power. I am strong. These kind of things that help us bring us back into ourselves because you are capable and you are strong and you are So powerful. And we forget that sometimes because we are reacting to the world around us. Instead of feeling in our zone of power. We are just responding and we feel out of control and out of alignment. So by addressing these imbalances and nurturing our chakras with Practical ways, then we can get that balance back and we can feel empowered, and it really helps with our emotional well-being. And It can help us go from just surviving and responding to actually thriving and feeling empowered in our life and that we have control Moment of our life.

One of the things that I'm creating at the moment is a 7 day chakra challenge, and what that's gonna involve is It's a podcast that you have to sign up for. Okay? So you'll if you give me your email address and sign up for it, then I'm gonna send you, an email every day for 7 days. And you will have, access to an audio recording of me and it will be in the morning. You can be it'll be a visualization, mum. A meditation, some kind of breathing exercise to help you with that specific chakra for that day. And then there'll be An activity or a task for you to complete that will help you with balancing that chakra. And then there'll be some kind of activity in the in the afternoon for you to do. So it's 3 things that are gonna help you balance that chakra for that day.

So we'll go through the 7 days. Each day will be a chakra that you'll to balance. We'll work through each of them, and it's gonna give you a very, very good discovery of what this is about and how it can help you. Because the reason that I love Working with the chakras so much is because you can actually make a difference. And people think that, oh, it's, you know, your energy field and it's all of but actually, you can use things like massage. You can use things like types of exercise, the food that we eat. There are a lot of practical ways that we can bring in to help us to rebalance these energies that have been blocked and out of alignment, and then it does actually create a shift. I love I love it when we can do things that actually make a difference.

Even if it's only small, it makes a difference in real time because a lot of the you know, we're gonna Do meditation, and we're gonna do journaling. And it all seems so big and so hard, and it it puts you off almost because you think I don't have time for this. Time is one of the things us moms don't have. And so if we can find small things to do that then make us feel better, it encourages us to keep doing that and to do more. And, Yeah. This this really connects us with our sense of self and with us. And that's what I feel is calling me to do. And so that That is what I am feeling passionate about at the moment, and I'm feeling drawn to create.

And so that's what I'm going to work on. I do have ideas for a larger course that would be coming sort of in the new year, but I didn't want to wait until then. I wanted to get started now because, you know, we're coming up to a really busy time of year, that run up into Christmas, all of that period. You know, we're slowing down for autumn. It's time to let go of some things. And it's a really good time just To get calm in ourselves and to figure out what we want to identify that. And, you know, Christmas time can bring up a lot of memories, Moms. And that affects our identity as well because, you know, who we are as children, then who we become as adults, who we become when we become a mother, All of these different stages of our life have all affected us.

And throughout our life, our energy, you know, we store those emotions and feelings inside of ourself. And Those can all be held in our body and it can be causing blockages. And this is a way for us to connect with ourself and to really pay mention and take notice, and to do things that will help us in the bigger picture of things. So, yes, I'm gonna put that course together for you, and it will be available in the next week or so. And I would love it if you pop me an email. I'll pop you on the waiting list. And, yeah.

If you want to learn anything more about chakras, feel free to to pop me a message. I am gonna be posting on my Facebook group as well about this. So you're very welcome to come join the Being Mom tribe and we can discover it more there as well. And there'll be more information on that as well. But this is what I've been doing. This is what I've been working on behind the scenes. And I wanted to share that with you because this is kind of the direction I'm going to be moving in because I want to actually Do something that will really shift and make a difference and help you. Rather than just talking about all of the things and the issues that we deal with, I wanted to give you practical ways to be able to do something about it and to create that sense of yourself and prioritizing yourself, but actually give you ways of Doing that rather than just talking about it, to actually give you little, small practical solutions that you can use to make these shifts.

So, Yeah. That's what I wanted to talk about today. I hope you found this interesting. It is I've just touched on it briefly because it is such a huge area, and there's so much to talk about. But I wanted to just let you know that that is what I'm doing. And, yeah, you'll be hearing more about it over the next weeks, coming weeks. 

So I'll be talking about the different things. And, yeah, I look forward to exploring this journey with you more. And I, I hope that you come along. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for listening today, and I would love to hear from you. So please do let me know if this is something that's appealing to you and you want to be on, the list to get that, 7 day chakra challenge emails sent out to you, then do drop me an email, and I'll get you added to the list. Have a great weekend. Bye.

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